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Another important topologicalproperty is assortativity, which measures the propensity with which nodes of similar connectivity are connected to one another.
Modularity, a more advanced topologicalproperty, has been hypothesized to be evolutionary advantageous, contributing to adaptive aspects of anatomical and functional brain connectivity.
We trace this robustness back to a topologicalproperty of the Fermi surface: the number of Fermi points with positive velocity of the system.
Additionally, a topologicalproperty of isodynamicity was identified for feed-forward motifs where different network architectures resulted in the same overall rate of the target production.
Here, we used biochemical approaches to determine its topologicalproperties.
Usage of topological invariant in English
For conventional topological phases, the boundary gapless modes are determined by bulk topologicalinvariants.
With unchanged bulk topologicalinvariants, their first-order boundaries undergo transitions separating different phases with second-order boundary zero modes.
We define winding numbers around these vortex lines and identify them to be the bulk topologicalinvariants for a class of semimetals.